Hubungan antara Pengetahuan dengan Sikap dan Perilaku Pencegahan Covid-19 pada Siswa SMA Negeri 3 Banjarmasin
Abstract: At this time, COVID-19 is a global case that really needs attention, because there are always spikes in cases every day. This study aims to determine the relationship between knowledge, attitudes and behavior of SMA Negeri 3 Banjarmasin students in an effort to prevent COVID-19. The research method is analytic observational, with a cross sectional approach. The sample is 86 students of SMA Negeri 3 Banjarmasin using a sample technique that is proportionate stratified random sampling. Data analysis in this study used the chi-square test. The results of the univariate analysis showed that as many as 60 people (69.8%) had knowledge, 68 people (79.1%) had a good attitude, and 64 people (74.4%) had good behavior in preventing COVID-19. 19 prevention Bivariate analysis of the relationship with attitude, yielded a p-value of 0.000 (p<0.05), obtained a relationship between the level of knowledge and behavior related to COVID-19 prevention with a p-value of 0.019 (p<0.05).
Keywords: knowledge, attitude, behavior, COVID-19, high school students
Abstrak: Pada saat ini, COVID-19 adalah kasus dunia yang sangat perlu diperhatikan, karena senantiasa terjadi lonjakan kasus setiap harinya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara pengetahuan, sikap dan perilaku siswa SMA Negeri 3 Banjarmasin dalam upaya pencegahan COVID-19 Metode riset yaitu observasional analitik, dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Sampel sebanyak 86 siswa SMA Negeri 3 Banjarmasin menggunakan teknik sampel yaitu proportionate stratified random sampling. Analisis data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan uji chi-square. Hasil analisis univariat menunjukkan bahwa sebanyak 60 orang (69,8%) berpengetahuan, 68 orang (79,1%) memiliki sikap baik, dan 64 orang (74,4%) memiliki perilaku baik dalam pencegahan COVID-19. 19 pencegahan Analisis bivariat hubungan dengan sikap, menghasilkan p-value 0,000 (p<0,05), diperoleh hubungan antara tingkat pengetahuan dan perilaku terkait pencegahan COVID-19 dengan hasil p-value 0,019 (p<0,05).
Kata-kata kunci: pengetahuan, sikap, perilaku, COVID-19, siswa SMA
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