Perbedaan Rasio Neutrofil Limfosit pada Kanker Serviks Tipe Karsinoma Sel Skuamosa dan Tipe Adenokarsinoma

Said Nur Ikhsan Fachir, Hariadi Yuseran, F.X. Hendriyono


Abstract: Cervical cancer is a malignancy and one of the leading causes of death in women. The most common cell types in cervical cancer are squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) (75%) and adenocarcinoma (20%) and the rest are other types (5%). The progression of malignancy can be influenced by the immune system of lymphocytes and neutrophils. The neutrophil lymphocyte ratio is closely related to progression as well as a prognostic marker. A high neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio correlates with a poor patient's prognosis and conversely, the lower the NLR, the better the prognosis. The results obtained 117 research subjects including 88 subjects of cervical cancer type SCC and 29 subjects of adnocarcinoma type cancer recorded at the medical record installation of Ulin Hospital Banjarmasin Period January - December 2019 and as many as 58 subjects (49.7%) met the inclusion criteria including 88 subjects. randomized to 29 subjects (50%) with SCC type and 29 subjects (50%) with adenocarcinoma type. SCC type cervical cancer has a median of 3.37 with a minimum value of 0.77 and a maximum value of 10.98 and adenocarcinoma type has a median of 2.55 with a minimum value of 0.59 and a maximum value of 16.70. The ratio of neutrophil lymphocytes between SCC types and adenocarcinoma types had a p value > 0.05 (0.301). The neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio between types had no significant difference.


Keywords: Cervical cancer, NLR, Type SCC and adenocarcinoma


Abstrak: Kanker serviks adalah keganasan salah satu penyebab kematian pada wanita. Jenis tipe sel pada kanker serviks paling umum adalah tipe karsinoma sel skuamosa (KSS) (75%) dan tipe adenokarsinoma (20%) dan sisanya merupakan tipe-tipe lain (5%). Progresifitas keganasan dapat dipengaruhi oleh sistem imun limfosit dan neutrofil. Rasio neutrofil limfosit berkaitan erat dengan progresifitas sekaligus penanda prognosis. Rasio Neutrofil Limfosit yang tinggi berkorelasi dengan buruknya prognosis pasien dan sebaliknya semakin rendah RNL maka semakin baik prognosisnya. Hasil penelitian didapatkan 117 subjek penelitian yang meliputi 88 subjek kanker serviks tipe KSS dan 29 subjek kanker tipe adnokarsinoma yang terdata di Instalasi rekam medik RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin Periode Januari – Desember 2019 dan sebanyak 58 subjek (49,7%) memenuhi kriteria inklusi diantaranya 88 subjek di random menjadi 29 subjek (50%) tipe KSS dan 29 subjek (50%) tipe adenokarsinoma. Kanker serviks tipe KSS mempunyai median 3,37 dengan nilai minimun 0,77 dan nilai maksimum 10,98 dan tipe Adenkarsinoma mempunyai median 2,55 dengan nilai minimun 0,59 dan nilai maksimum 16,70. Rasio neutrofil limfosit antar tipe KSS dan tipe adenokarsinoma memiliki nilai p > 0,05 (0,301). Rasio neutrofil limfosit antar tipe memiliki perbedaan yang tidak bermakna.


Kata-kata kunci: Kanker serviks, RNL, Tipe KSS dan adenokarsinoma

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