Fathya Nurul Fadhilah, Edi Hartoyo, Rahmiati Rahmiati


Abstract:  Dengue virus infection can lead clinical manifestations in all of age group, from infants, children, to adults. Clinical symptoms and laboratory profiles were severe in some cases of infants with dengue infection, so the information about them was important. The aim of this study was to identify the clinical and laboratory features in patients diagnosed with dengue fever and dengue haemorrhagic fever in Ulin General Hospital Banjarmasin. This reasearch is a descriptive-observational research with the cross-sectional desgin studies. 42 infants were recruited in this research by using purposive sampling technique with inclusive criteria. Fever was found in all cases (100%), petechiae (64,29%) was found as the most common haemorrhagic manifestation, and pleural effusion (40,48%) as the most common plasma leakage manifestation. The mean clinical findings in patients diagnosed with dengue fever were hemoglobin 10,9 g/dL, hematocrit 32,45%, platelet counts 115250 /µl, and leukocyte counts 6150 /µl. On the other hand, the mean clinical findings in patients diagnoses with dengue haemorrhagic fever were hemoglobin 10,71 g/dL, hematocrit 32,18%, platelet counts 66320/µl, and leukocyte counts 8967/µl.


Keywords: clinical features, hematology, dengue hemorrhagic fever, infant


Abstrak:  Infeksi virus dengue dapat menimbulkan gejala klinis pada semua usia dari bayi, anak-anak hingga dewasa. Gejala klinis dan profil laboratorium yang berat pada beberapa kasus bayi dengan infeksi dengue membuat informasi mengenai hal tersebut penting. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui gambaran klinis dan laboratorium meliputi kadar hemoglobin, nilai hematokrit, jumlah trombosit dan leukosit pada pasien demam dengue dan demam berdarah dengue bayi di RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin. Penelitian desktriptif observasional ini menggunakan metode cross-sectional dengan jumlah sampel 42 pasien yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi dengan teknik purposive sampling.  Demam ditemukan pada semua kasus (100%), manifestasi perdarahan yang banyak ditemukan adalah petekie (64,29%), dan manifestasi kebocoran plasma yang banyak ditemukan adalah efusi pleura (40,48%).  Pada pasien DD ditemukan rerata kadar hemoglobin 10,9 gr/dL, nilai hematokrit 32,45%, jumlah trombosit 115,25 ribu/µl dan jumlah leukosit 6,15 ribu/µl. Sedangkan pada pasien  DBD didapatkan kadar hemoglobin 10,71%, nilai hematokrit 32,18%, jumlah trombosit 66,32 ribu/µl dan jumlah leukosit 8,97%.


Kata-kata kunci: gambaran klinis, hematologi, demam berdarah dengue, bayi

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