Pengaruh Kesadaran Merek, Citra Merek, dan Kepercayaan Pada Merek Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Smartphone Samsung
A company that wants to achieve success must maintain the image and improve the quality of products. A company is also supported by producing a quality product or having a quality perception that really in accordance with the function and usefulness, or even have the excellence of a similar product expected by consumers. This studyzzaims to know and analyzezzthe effect of brandzzawareness, brand image and brand trust simultaneously and partially on purchase decision of Samsung Smartphone. The type of this study is explanatory which explains the position of the relationshipzzbetween the studied variables andzzthe relationship between one variable with another. Sample in this study is 100 students of Economic and Business Faculty Lambung Mangkurat University. Data analysis methodzused in thiszstudy is multiplezlinear regressionzanalysis. The result ofzthis study showed that brandzawareness, brand image, andzbrand trust effect simultanouesly and partially on purchasezdecision of Samsung Smartphone.
Keywords: Brand Image, Brand Awareness, Brand Trust,zPurchase Decision
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