PengaruhzCelebrity Endorser TerhadapzPurchasezIntentionzdengan BrandzImage SebagaizVariabelzIntervening (StudizKasuszIklanzProduk Kosmetik Wardah pada Mahasiswi Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis ULM Banjarmasin)
Thiszresearch aims tozknowzandzanalyzezthezinfluencezofzcelebrityzendorserzto brand image, influencezofzbrand image to purchasezintention,zinfluencezof celebrity endorser to purchasezintention, and influencezof celebrity endorser to purchasezintention through brand image as intervening variable on Wardah cosmetic product. The sampling technique used is Purposive Sampling, where students majoring in management, iesp and accounting are sampled that is 60 people. Datazanalysisztechnique usedzinzthiszresearchzis SEMzwith PLS method using SmartPLS 3.0. Thezresultzofzthiszresearchzalsozshowszthatzthe celebrity endorser positively influence the brand image of Wardah cosmetic product, celebrity endorser to purchase intention indicates that there is positivezand insignificantzinfluence to purchasezintention,zandzbrand image positively significant to purchase intention in cosmetic product Wardah. While the indirect influence of brandzimage mediatezpartially influence the credibility ofzcelebrity endorser to purchasezintention on Wardah cosmetic product.
Keywords: Celebrity endorsement, brand image, purchase intention
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