Pengaruh Kreativitas Iklan, Unsur Humor, Dan Kualitas Pesan Iklan Terhadap Efektivitas Iklan Televisi Bukalapak Versi Harbolnas

Muhammad Rilo Aditya


Thiszresearchzaims to examine thezinfluencezof (1) Advertising Creativityzon Advertising Effectiveness, (2) Element of Humor on Advertising Effectiveness, (3) Quality of advertising messages on Advertising Effectiveness. Causal Research design used to examine the influence between variables. Sample taken as many as 165 advertising audience Bukalapak. Data collection using questionnaires. Hypothesis testing structural models is done with SEM (Structural Equation Modeling). The result indicate there are influence on Advertising Creativity on Advertising Effectiveness, Element of humor have a influence on Advertising Effectiveness, Quality of advertising messages have a influence on Advertising Effectiveness.

Keywords: AdvertisingzCreativity, Element ofzHumor, Qualityzof Advertising Messages, AdvertisingzEffectiveness.

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