Pengaruh Iklan, Citra Merek dan Kepuasan Konsumen Terhadap Loyalitas Konsumen Produk “Rexona” Di Banjarmasin
This study aims: 1) To analyze the influence of advertising variables, brand image, customer satisfaction simultaneously to customer loyalty Rexona brand deodorant in Banjarmasin City, 2) To analyze the influence of advertising variables, brand image, customer satisfaction partially to customer loyalty brand deodorant Rexona in Banjarmasin City, 3) To analyze the dominant variable affecting customer loyalty of Rexona brand deodorant in Banjarmasin City. Multiple regression is used as a method of data analysis, with explanatory research type and questionnaire as data collection technique. The population in this study is Rexona brand deodorant consumers in Banjarmasin. The sample in this research is 120 people and determined by purposive sampling technique. The result showed that partially advertisement and consumer satisfaction had an effect on consumer loyalty product "Rexona" in Banjarmasin, while brand image did not influence to consumer loyalty product "Rexona" in Banjarmasin City. Simultaneously advertising, brand image and customer satisfaction affect the consumer loyalty product "Rexona" in the city of Banjarmasin.
Keywords: Advertising, Brand Image, Consumer Satisfaction, Consumer Loyalty
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