Reaksi Investor terhadap Suspensi Saham

Nuur Laily Wardani


The Purpose of this research analyze is a difference abnormal return and trading volume activity before and after the suspension event. The sample of this research consists of all companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange periode 2017 there are as 35 sample of  companies. The abnormal return are counted using paired sample t-test and trading volume activity are counted using wilcoxon signed rank test. Results testing hypothesis using paired sample t-test which it means that data is not normal distributed and normal distributed. The abnormal return indicated there is difference abnormal return before and abnormal return after the suspension because the suspension event was responded negative by investors. The occurrence suspension of shares on the Indonesia Stock Exchange gives a negative signal about the bad information declining stock movement. The movement of trading activities, difference before after the stock suspension due to increased trading activity.

Keywords: abnormal return, trading volume activity and the suspension event.

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