Classification majors of students in Senior High School are carried out to direct students in choosing their interest in education that are desired and in accordance with their ability. Student majors are conducted to assist the school in determining the best major based on their student’s ability, interest, and academic value. There are many methods that can be used for the classification major, one of which is the Learning Vector Quantization (LVQ) method. The LVQ method process uses learning system to recognize data and to save the information into weight. In this study, the testing of LVQ method was conductend in data of student major in Senior High School. The result of learning method in 320 students data found the highest true percentage is 89,375%. Based on the percentage, can be concluded that around 89,375% of the classification results of the LVQ method are the same as the target or school’s program determination. The result of classification major as many as 94 students entered the social class (IPS) and 226 students entered science class (MIPA).Keywords: Major, Learning Vector Quantization, Classification
Penjurusan di SMA (Sekolah Menengah Atas) dilakukan untuk mengarahkan siswa dalam memilih bidang minat pendidikan yang diinginkan dan sesuai dengan kemampuan. Penjurusan siswa dilakukan agar dapat membantu pihak sekolah dalam menentukan jurusan yang terbaik berdasarkan kemampuan siswa, minat siswa, dan nilai akademik. Banyak metode yang dapat digunakan untuk klasifikasi penjurusan siswa salah satunya adalah metode Learning Vector Quantization (LVQ). Proses klasifikasi metode LVQ menggunakan sistem learning (pembelajaran) untuk mengenali data dan menyimpan informasi yang didapatkan ke dalam bobot-bobot. Dalam penelitian ini dilakukan pengkajian dan pengujian metode LVQ pada data penjurusan siswa SMA. Hasil learning metode LVQ pada 320 data siswa didapatkan persentase benar tertinggi yaitu 89,375%. Berdasarkan besarnya presentase tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa sekitar 89,375% hasil klasifikasi metode LVQ sama dengan target atau penetapan program dari pihak sekolah. Klasifikasi penjurusan ada sebanyak 94 siswa masuk jurusan IPS dan 226 siswa masuk jurusan MIPA.
Kata Kunci: Penjurusan, Learning Vector Quantization, Klasifikasi
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.20527/jm.v2i1.558
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