Dampak Sosial Ekonomi Penambang Emas Tanpa Izin (Illegal) Pada Masyarakat Binawara

Nurul Hasnah Maulida, Syahlan Mattiro, Rahmat Nur, Reski P, Syaharuddin Syaharuddin


Gold mining is carried out illegally by the community to meet their daily needs. The purpose of this study is to (1) describe the division of tasks in gold mining work without a permit (illegal); (2) Describe the distribution of income in gold mining work without a permit (illegal); (3) Describe the impact of gold mining work without a permit (illegal) for the socio-economic conditions in the community. This study used a qualitative method. This study also used a purposive sampling technique. Data collection was done by using observation, interviews, and documentation. This study used reducing data, presenting data, and drawing conclusions to analyze the data. The results of this study indicated that: (1) The division of tasks in this illegal gold mining job was done by dividing them according to what is mastered by each worker, but there are also those who did not hold divisions in doing the work or working as a team. (2) The distribution of income in this job was divided based on the number of workers. The results obtained were deducted by the operational costs first, and then the remainder is divided equally among the workers and machines. (3) This work has an impact, namely: a) Social impact, namely in this work it always opens job opportunities for those who want to work. b) The economic impact can meet the needs of the economy but the income obtained is not always fixed.

Keywords: Gold Miners, Division of labor, Division, Income, Impact. 

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.20527/pakis.v2i2.6120


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