Ismed Setya Budi


The development of Kenaf crop in fulfilling its increasing needs require an extensification program on tidal swamp land, but this condition is inhibited by plant disease epidemic. One of the disease which is very harmful but still has not been well-identified is Stem Rot Disease. This research was conducted in order to anticipate this problem. The aims of this research were to understand the biology of stem rot causal agent and to find the resistance level of Kenaf varieties. The results showed that the main cause of Kenaf stem rot is Macrophomina phaseolina. The spot necrotic symptom initially occurred at 4.7 ± 11.5 days after pathogen inoculation and the last symptoms resulted in leaf wilting and the falling of a plant stem. The field observation showed that the crop did not show any symptoms, but when all kinds of legumes taken from the field, were inoculated in vitro, the symptom then finally appeared. The pathogen did not infect paddy. This pathogen could not infect leaf petiole-stick and seeds and was able to survive more than 6 (six) months in the soil. The Kenaf varities, KR.4 and KR.6 were categorized tolerant to stem rot disease with disease intensity value of 11.46 ± 11.86% and 13.28 ± 6.05 respectively. The KR.11 variety


Biology, Stem Rot Disease of Kenaf ,Resistance level, Tidal swamp land.

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