Budi Nining Widarti, Nurlaili Ramadhani, Ika Meicahayanti


The existence of waste is affected by the number of population, the higher the number of the population, the more waste produced. The existence of bank of waste is to reduce the amount of waste that goes to land fill (TPA), banks will exchange the waste with money. The aim of research is to determine the effectiveness of the waste bank in reducing the waste and the economic value of waste management in the waste bank. The study was conducted by sorting garbage in garbage bank every day, garbage is weighed, determining the weight of garbage , the percent (%) composition of waste per day and calculating the economic value of garbage. The highest compositions on paper was 30%, plastic bottles, plastic bottle caps and cans each has the composition as 14%, glass plastic as 10%, as well as a component with the composition which is below 10%, those are glass bottle as 7%, egg dishes as 8% as well as B3 and others as 2%. In this study, the garbage bank was able to cut 98% of the garbage that goes into landfill. A total potential sale of garbage per month from one of the banks was Rp 767.200. If there are 98 units in Balikpapan City, the total economic value from all the garbage bank during the month was Rp. 75.1856 million.


Garbage, Garbage Bank, Economic Value

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.20527/infotek.v18i2.4329

DOI (PDF): http://dx.doi.org/10.20527/infotek.v18i2.4329.g3853

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