The polymer material used is Yukalac 157-EX BQTN polyester as its matrix. With haur bamboo fiber and fiberglass as a reinforcement. Making specimens using the hand lay up method. Tests carried out are composite specimen tensile tests. Tensile testing was carried out using the ASTM D 638M-84 M-1 standard.
Based on the test results, it was concluded that the effect of fiber volume fraction on the characteristics of composite samples for tensile tests. Composite strengthened by haur bamboo and fiberglass powder at 3% heavy volume fraction has the most ideal characteristics that have a tensile strength of 53.581 MPa, modulus of elasticity of 87.452 MPa and polymer composite material with a strength of haur bamboo and fiberglass powder with a length of 5 mm at 3% reinforcing volume fraction can be used as an alternative to automotive raw materials, namely replacing polyoxymethylene plastic materials for the front bumper.
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