ANTECENDENT OF CUSTOMER LOYALTY (study case of consumer JNE Banjarmasin)

Ardo Rasnada, Marijati Sangen, M. Yudy Rachman


This study aims to analyze the influences of service quality on customer satisfaction and loyalty  of JNE  Banjarmasin.  This type of research is explanatory research  that explain causality relationship between variables. The population in this study is the JNE consumer who has used JNE's services in JNE in Banjarmasin.  By technique of sampling by using purposive sampling method. Number sampel as many as 100 people. Data analysis using path analysis by using SPSS Statistics 23 software. The result  of this research indicate that service quality influence  to  satisfaction  and  consumer  loyalty  JNE  Banjarmasin,  and consumer satisfaction influence to consumer loyalty JNE Banjarmasin.


Keywords: service quality, customer satisfaction, loyalty

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