Najema Najema, Rusdayanti Asma


The objective of this paper contributes to confirm and to analyse the effect of current asset, capital expenditure, cash conversion cycle, cash flow, leverage, market to book value and net working capital towards cash holdings on several manufacturing companies in the consumer goods industry sector listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX). There are 31 companies in the consumer goods industry sector listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) as the samples in this study. The Analysis Technique in this research uses the analysis of multiple linear regression, which also examines the set of statistical assumptions called the classical linear regression model assumptions, and the hypothesis testing in this research uses T test by using IBM SPSS Statistics 21.0. The results of this study (1) current asset affect on cash holdings, (2) capital expenditure do not affect on cash holdings, (3) cash conversion cycle affect on cash holdings, (4) cash flow affect on cash holdings, (5) leverage affect on cash holdings, (6) market to book value affect on cash holdings, (7) net working capital affect on cash holdings.

Keywords: Current Asset, Capital Expenditure, Cash Conversion Cycle, Cash Flow, Leverage, Market To Book Value, Net Working Capital and Cash Holdings

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