Briquette from Candlenut Shell Charcoal and Polypropylene Plastic Waste From The Kefamenanu Landfill

Giovanny Robertho Wolfram Lake, Gebhardus D Gelyaman, Sefrinus M.D. Kolo


This research aimed to determine the optimum composition of polypropylene plastic and candlenut shell charcoal in briquettes production. The percentage of briquette mixture was CK100:0PP, CK75:25PP, CK50:50PP, CK25:75PP and CK0:100PP. The moisture content of the briquettes obtained was as follows CK100:0PP (6.33%), CK75:25PP (4.18%), CK50:50PP (2.63%), CK25:75PP (1.90%) and CK0: 100PP (0.77%). Ash content was CK100:0PP (0.51%), CK75:25PP (18.82%), CK50:50PP (9.09%), CK25:75PP (3.26%) and CK0:100PP (1.74%). The level of flying substances was CK100:0PP (33.53%), CK75:25PP (51.52%), CK50:50PP (52.37%), CK25:75PP (60.99%) and CK0:100PP (72.96%). Fixed carbon was CK100:0PP (59.63%), CK75:25PP (25.48%), CK50:50PP (35.91%), CK25:75PP (33.85%) and CK0:100PP (24.52 %). Calorific value was CK100:0PP (2,902.31 cal/gr), CK75:25PP (9,292.45 cal/gr), CK50:50PP (8,155.53 cal/gr), CK25:75PP (9,094.69 cal/gr) and CK0:100PP (10,808.30 cal/gr). Compressive strength was CK75:25PP (50.31 Kgf/cm2), CK50:50PP (44.67 Kgf/cm2), CK25:75PP (36.11 Kgf/cm2) and CK0:100PP (33.85 Kgf/cm2). The optimum composition of briquettes from a mixture of polypropylene plastic and candlenut shell charcoal was CK25:75PP.

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