Skrining Fitokimia, Formulasi, dan Uji Sifat Fisik Sediaan Foot Sanitizer Spray Minyak Atsiri Sereh Wangi (Cymbopogon citratrus sp.)

Rifqi Ferry Balfas, Yuniarti Dewi Rahmawati


Kulit merupakan bagian permukaan tubuh yang paling luar yang sangat vital untuk menutupi dan melindungi organ di bawahnya dari gangguan fisik maupun kimiawi. Bau kaki disebabkan oleh keringat karena bagian yang tertutup lama dan menjadi masalah bagi sebagian manusia.  Foot sanitizer spray merupakan sediaan topikal pembersih kaki yang dapat membunuh bakteri, ragi dan jamur. Kandungan sereh wangi yaitu minyak atsiri, saponin, polifenol dan flavonoid dan mempunyai aktivitas antibakteri Tujuan penelitian ini untuk analisis fitokimia minyak atsiri sereh wangi dan memformulasikan agar memiliki sifat fisik yang sesuai dan disukai responden. Metode yang digunakan yaitu destilasi uap dan hasilnya skirining fitokima, sediaan foot sanitizer spray minyak atsiri di uji fisik dan uji kesukaan. Hasil penelitian analisis fitokimia minyak atsiri sereh wangi yaitu hasil positif pada uji triterpenoid, tanin, flavonoid, dan saponin, sedangkan negatif pada uji alkaloid dan steroid. Uji fisik yang di dapatkan untuk uji pH 4,5-4,8 sehingga sesuai dengan pH kulit yaitu 4,5-6,5; uji viskositas 1,720 – 1,003; dan hasil cycling test serta uji stabilitas tidak adanya perubahan yang signifikan pada pengamatan organoleptis (warna, bau, bentuk, dan tekstur). Uji kesukaan yang dihasilkan untuk kontrol 6,67 %, formulasi 1 (F1) 10 %, F2 36,67 %, dan F3 46,67 %.


Kata Kunci: Foot Sanitizer Spray, Kaki, Kulit, Sereh Wangi


Skin is outermost part of the body's surface which is vital to cover and protect the underlying organs from physical and chemical disturbances. Foot odor is caused by sweat because the part is covered for long time and becomes problem for some people. Foot sanitizer spray is a topical foot cleaning preparation that can kills bacteria, yeast and fungi. Citronella’s compound contents are essential oil, saponin, polyphenol and flavonoid that has antibacterial activity. This research aimed to analyzed phytochemicals of citronella essential oil and to formulated it in order to had appropriate physical properties and being preferred by the respondents. Method that used was steam distillation and the results would analyzed for phytochemical screening, the preparation of citronella essential oil foot sanitizer spray was tested for physical and hedonic tests. The results of phytochemical analysis of citronella essential oil were positive for triterpenoids, tannins, flavonoids and saponins. Negative for alkaloids and steroids. Physical test that was obtained for pH 4.5-4.8 test, so that it was suitable with skin pH, namely 4.5-6.5. Viscosity test result were 1.720–1.003 and results of the cycling test and stability test showed no significant changes in organoleptic observations (color, smell, shape and texture). The resulting preference test for control is 6.67%, formulation 1 (F1) is 10%, F2 is 36.67 %, and F3 is 46.67 %.


Foot Sanitizer Spray, Foot, Skin, Citronella

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