Formulasi Fast Disintegrating Tablet Ekstrak Etanol Avicennia marina fructus dengan Metode Granulasi Basah

Mia Fitriana, Muhammad Habibie, Abidzar Mirza, Rafli Al Anshari


Avicennia marina fructus mengandung kandungan senyawa berupa alkaloid, flavonoid, saponin, glikosida yang terbukti memiliki aktivitas antidiabetes. Prevalensi diabetes melitus semakin meningkat pada pasien geriatri. Pasien geriatri cenderung mengalami kesulitan menelan tablet konvensional sehingga perlu dibuat sediaan yang lebih cepat hancur seperti fast disintegrating tablet. Salah satu metode granulasi yang dapat digunakan untuk membuat fast disintegrating tablet adalah menggunakan metode granulasi basah.  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan formula fast disintegrating tablet yang memilik sifat fisika yang baik.Ekstraksi dilakukan dengan metode maserasi.  Tiga formula dibuat dengan memvariasikan bahan penghancur yakni explotab®. Serbuk sediaan dievaluasi laju alir, sudut diam dan bobot jenis benar. Sediaan tablet dilakukan evaluasi keseragaman bobot dan waktu hancur. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa ketiga formula memenuhi syarat pada evaluasi granul laju alir, sudut diam dan bobot jenis benar dan uji evaluasi keseragaman bobot tablet. Formula I dan III tidak memenuhi syarat uji waktu hancur tablet, sedangkan formula II memenuhi syarat waktu hancur fast disintegrating tablet yang baik. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah formula yang menghasilkan sifat fisik sediaan yang baik adalah formula II dengan komposisi ekstrak A. marina fructus 2,5%, explotab® 6%, magnesium stearat 2,5 %, aerosil 0,5%, talkum 0,5%, gelatin 0,1%, dan manitol 87,9%.


Kata Kunci: Fast Disintegrating Tablet, Evaluasi, Diabetes


 Avicennia marina fructus contains compounds in the form of alkaloids, flavonoids, saponins, glycosides which are proven to have antidiabetic activity. The prevalence of diabetes mellitus has been increasing in geriatric patients. Geriatric patients tend to have difficulty swallowing conventional tablets, so it is necessary to make preparations that disintegrate more quickly, such as fast disintegrating tablets. One of the granulation methods that can be used to make fast disintegrating tablets is the wet granulation method. The purpose of this study was to determine the formula for fast disintegrating tablets that had good physical properties. Extraction was carried out by the maceration method. Three formulas were made by varying the disintegrator agent, namely explotab®. The granule preparations were evaluated for flow rate, angle of repose and the density. The tablet preparations were evaluated for weight uniformity and disintegration time. The results showed that the three formulas met the requirements for evaluating the granule flow rate, angle of repose and the density and the weight uniformity of tablet. Formula I and III did not meet the requirements for the disintegration time of tablets, while formula II met the requirements for a good disintegrating time for fast disintegrating tablets. The conclusion of this research was the formula that produced good physical properties of the preparation was formula II with a composition of 2.5% A. marina fructus extract, 6% explotab®, 2.5% magnesium stearate, 0.5% aerosil, 0.5% talc, 0.1% gelatin and 87.9% mannitol.


Fast Disintegrating Tablet, Evaluation, Diabetes

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