Analisis Jenis dan Penyebab Ketidaksesuaian Pengobatan pada Pasien Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional (JKN) dengan Hipertensi
Transisi pelayanan kesehatan merupakan salah satu faktor risiko terjadinya ketidaksesuaian dalam pengobatan (medication discrepancies) yang menjadi tantangan bagi keselamatan pasien. Ketidaksesuaian pengobatan dapat terjadi akibat adanya perubahan regimen pengobatan pasien tanpa koordinasi secara lengkap di antara tenaga kesehatan yang menangani pasien yang menyebabkan informasi yang terputus. Penelitian deskriptif dengan metode observasional ini melibatkan 30 orang pasien hipertensi untuk menganalisis jenis dan penyebab ketidaksesuaian pengobatan pada pasien tersebut di Puskesmas Kelayan Timur Banjarmasin sebagai salah satu fasilitas kesehatan tingkat pertama yang memberikan pelayanan kesehatan kepada pasien. Data mengenai jenis dan penyebab ketidaksesuaian pengobatan dianalisis berdasarkan data rekam medik pasien dan observasi langsung kepada pasien di rumah. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diperoleh data jenis ketidaksesuaian pengobatan yang paling banyak terjadi adalah kelalaian yaitu sebesar 42,85%, diikuti dengan penambahan sebesar 21,43%, ketidaksesuaian dosis sebesar 12,5%, penggantian terapi dan ketidaksesuaian frekuensi pemberian masing-masing sebesar 8,93%, ketidaksesuaian waktu pemberian sebesar 3,57%, serta ketidaksesuaian bentuk sediaan sebesar 1,79%. Ketidaksesuaian pengobatan dapat disebabkan oleh banyak faktor, yang dibagi menjadi dua kelompok, yaitu penyebab di level pasien dan di level sistem. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, ketidaksesuaian pengobatan paling banyak disebabkan di level pasien, yaitu ketidakpatuhan yang disengaja sebesar 32,14%, diikuti oleh pengobatan sendiri sebesar 25%, tidak memiliki waktu untuk menebus resep sebesar 17,85%, reaksi obat yang tidak dikehendaki dan ketidakpatuhan yang tidak disengaja sebesar 1,79%. Pada level sistem, ketidaksesuaian pengobatan paling banyak terjadi akibat adanya informasi yang saling bertentangan dari berbagai sumber informasi yang ada yaitu sebesar 8,92%, diikuti dengan masalah ketersediaan obat/dosis obat sebesar 7,14%, instruksi kepada pasien pada saat transisi pelayanan tidak lengkap/tidak akurat/tidak terbaca sebesar 3,58% dan instruksi di antara penulis resep pada saat transisi pelayanan tidak lengkap/tidak akurat/tidak terbaca sebesar 1,79%.
Kata kunci: hipertensi, jaminan kesehatan nasional, ketidaksesuaian pengobatan
Healthcare transition is one of the risk factor of medication discrepancies that become a challenge for patient safety. Medication discrepancies can happen because the changes of drug regimen of the patient without a complete coordination between healthcare professionals that cause misinformation. This descriptive research with observational method involved 30 national health coverage or Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional patient with hypertension to analyze the type and the cause of medication discrepancies in Puskesmas Kelayan Timur as a first line healthcare facilities that give a health service for patient. The type and the cause of medication discrepancies will be analyzed by the patient medical report in Puskesmas and direct observation to the patient in their house. Based on the research, the most widely of the type of medication discrepancies is omission (42,85%), followed by addition (21,43%), dosage (12,5%), therapeutic substitution and frequency of administration each 8,93%, time of administration (3,57%) and drug form (1,79%). Medication discrepancies can happen by many causes, that divided into two group, the causes in the patient level and system level. Based on the research, the most widely of the cause of medication discrepancies in patient level is intentional non-adherence (32,14%), followed by self medication (25%), didn’t have time to fill the prescription (17,58%), adverse drug event and unintentional non-adherence each 1,79%. In the system level, the most widely of the cause of medication discrepancies is conflicting information from different informational sources (8,92%), followed by drug or drug dose availability (1,79%), instructions to pastient at transfer incomplete/inaccurate/illegible (3,58%) and instructions between prescribers at transfer incomplete/inaccurate/illegible (1,79%).
Keywords: hypertension, medication dicrepancy, national health coverage
Kata kunci: hipertensi, jaminan kesehatan nasional, ketidaksesuaian pengobatan
Healthcare transition is one of the risk factor of medication discrepancies that become a challenge for patient safety. Medication discrepancies can happen because the changes of drug regimen of the patient without a complete coordination between healthcare professionals that cause misinformation. This descriptive research with observational method involved 30 national health coverage or Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional patient with hypertension to analyze the type and the cause of medication discrepancies in Puskesmas Kelayan Timur as a first line healthcare facilities that give a health service for patient. The type and the cause of medication discrepancies will be analyzed by the patient medical report in Puskesmas and direct observation to the patient in their house. Based on the research, the most widely of the type of medication discrepancies is omission (42,85%), followed by addition (21,43%), dosage (12,5%), therapeutic substitution and frequency of administration each 8,93%, time of administration (3,57%) and drug form (1,79%). Medication discrepancies can happen by many causes, that divided into two group, the causes in the patient level and system level. Based on the research, the most widely of the cause of medication discrepancies in patient level is intentional non-adherence (32,14%), followed by self medication (25%), didn’t have time to fill the prescription (17,58%), adverse drug event and unintentional non-adherence each 1,79%. In the system level, the most widely of the cause of medication discrepancies is conflicting information from different informational sources (8,92%), followed by drug or drug dose availability (1,79%), instructions to pastient at transfer incomplete/inaccurate/illegible (3,58%) and instructions between prescribers at transfer incomplete/inaccurate/illegible (1,79%).
Keywords: hypertension, medication dicrepancy, national health coverage
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Program Studi Farmasi Universitas Lambung Mangkurat
Banjarbaru, Indonesia
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