The aim of this study is to assess the preferences of Aedes sp and Culex sp on
breeding place using wastewater of rice and liquid soap waste. This study used purposive
sampling method, the sample taken from yard of 6 villages in the district of North and
south Banjarbaru. Sample taking by placing the sample retrieval ovitrap containing waste
liquid soap, sewage wastewater of rice and water wells. The number of larvae obtained in
liquid soap waste media for Aedes sp is up to 3140 and Culex sp larvae is up to 67 larvae,
while the wastewater of rice for Aedes sp amounted to 1863 larvae and Culex sp
amounted to 1539 larvae. t test showed that the effect of liquid soap waste and
wastewater of rice against Aedes sp and Culex sp larvae are different but not real. Waste
liquid soap and wastewater of rice favored by Aedes sp and Culex sp larvae, so, both the
waste liquid soap and wastewater of rice can be used as breeding media for Aedes sp. and
Culex sp.
Full Text:
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