Noor Irma Rizki, Noordiah Helda


This  thesis  discusses  about  testing  of  the  shallow  groundwater  capacity using  the  pumping  test  method  in  the  North  Loktabat  of  Banjarbaru  area.  This thesis aims to determine the groundwater level, analyze the value of transmissivity and storativity using the Cooper Jacob method and the effect of water extraction on wells.

The pumping  test  is carried out in two  stages.  First,  the production  well pumping test process to observe a decrease due to the pumping process and the second is the recovery test which is carried out to observe the refilling process of the production well being pumped.

Based  on  results,  the  deep  groundwater  level  varies  over  time.  The groundwater level increased and peaked on 23 October 2019 and decreased again due  to  the  rainy  season.  The  data  analysis  method  used  is  the  Cooper  Jacob method (straight line method). Thus, the transmissivity value (T) is affected by the drawdown valuation and the longer stable time, makes smaller the transmissivity value and  the  storativity  value  (S)  growing  the  transmissivity  value  as  big  as storativity value, because transmissivity is the ability to transmit water to deliver water  to  storage.  The residual drawdown ability of water returns to the water level before pumping, but in October on 9, 16 and 23 the water does not return to the water level before pumping, as well as in well B (monitoring well), the conditions apply same. The effect of water withdrawal on the surrounding wells with a distance of 9m is relatively small and the distance of 15m has no effect.



Keywoard: Pumping test, drawdown, residual drawdown,aquifer, Cooper Jacob


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