Analysis Of The Influence Of The School Safety Zone (Case Study on Jalan Ahmad Yani SDN 4 Guntung Manggis, Landasan Ulin District, Banjarbaru City)

Akhmad Fadqur Rahman, Muhammad Arsyad


The School Safety Zone under review is the School Safety Zone on Ahmad Yani street in front of SDN 4 Guntung Manggis, Banjarbaru. The School Safety Zone itself can affect traffic conditions, ranging from volume, speed, and density. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the existence of a safe school zone and the absence of a safe school zone and to determine traffic performance on the Ahmad Yani road section which contained the school safety zone area. The research is a field survey to find data on volume, speed, and side resistance. The survey was taken under two conditions, namely the condition under the influence of the School Safety Zone and without the influence of the School Safety Zone. Model Analysis method Greenshield, the Greenberg Model, and the Underwood to determine the capacity on the road section which is supported by daily traffic volume data and vehicle speed to get the density on the road section. From the modeling analysis, the chosen model is the Greenshield model. From the calculation results, the maximum volume decreased by 13.14%, at the average speed decreased by 16.10%, and the maximum density increased by 3.52%. The ITP value is obtained with a  V/C ratio at the operational hours of the School Safety Zone, in the area not affected by the School Safety Zone, the DS is 0.49 while in the affected area the School Safety Zone is DS 0.66. Both have an ITP C value which means Stable Flow, but the speed and motion of the vehicle is controlled, the driver is limited in choosing the speed.


Keywords: School Safety Zone, Speed Analysis, Greenshield, Road Performance

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