EVALUATION OF FACTORS CAUSING DELAYS IN ROAD RECONSTRUCTION PROJECTS AND PLANNING COST AND TIME CONTROL (Case Study Of Reconstruction Project / Capacity Building Of Road Structures: Cabi-Bumi Rata R.074 Dak Regular Simpang Empat District, Banjar Regency)

Yoga Langgeng Yuana, Henry Wardhana


The implementation of the Reconstruction project/Capacity Building of Road Structures: Cabi-Bumi Rata R.074 DAK Regular Simpang Empat District, Banjar Regency in the process of its work has the potential to experience delays. As a result, there will be an increase in costs due to late fees so that time control is needed so that the project is not late with minimal costs.  This study was conducted to determine the time of delay and the cause of delay in the project by conducting an interview so that project time control can be carried out. Furthermore, the results of the interview were analyzed with the Precedence Diagram Method (PDM) whether the late work passed the critical path. Once it is known that the work is late passing the critical path in the 8th week then calculates the residual volume and duration of the remainder then put into the PDM at week 8. From the duration of the remainder is known the duration of the delay and can calculate the cost of the fine. Adding overtime and work shifts was chosen as an alternative to completing delays because with 4-hour overtime the work is still late and continued by calculating daily productivity, productivity after a crash, duration of crashes and cost increase from the two alternatives, the minimum cost of each job was chosen to obtain a duration that matches the duration of the plan with minimal costs. The results of the research that has been carried out by the project have been delayed due to natural factors that cause the Matraman bridge to be cut off and result in mobilization, procurement of materials and equipment delayed in LPA and LPB work on critical lines. Based on the analysis using PDM in the 8th week, the project experienced a delay of 33 days so that the duration increased to 173 days from the 140-day plan duration with a fine of Rp 172,766,051. Efforts that can be made to overcome these delays are by combining adding overtime for 4 hours and adding work shifts. There is an increase in costs for each activity in line with the shortened duration of the delay. The total increase was IDR 121,137,087 and the total cost was IDR 5,356,471,979. With this analysis, the project can be completed on time with a duration of 140 days, the difference in the cost of fines with crashing is IDR 51,628,964 which can be used as a graph of the relationship between cost and time based on cost increase when accelerating.


Keywords: Project Delay, PDM, Cost Comparison, and Time.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.20527/crc.v7i3.12762


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