Dhiya Nadhif Athaya, Ulfa Fitriati


Drainage in Banjarbaru City is generally good, but inundation rarely occurs. However, in certain areas, periodic inundation occurs namely inundation for less than 6 (six) months, one of which is in the Landasan Ulin District, which is a transition from swampland to residential use. The research location is the existing drainage canal which is located on several roads of the Hercules complex, Landasan Ulin Village. In general, the drainage channels in the Hercules complex are stone masonry. Improper maintenance causes sedimentation, which impacts drainage channel services. This final project aims to re-evaluate the drainage channels in the residential area of the Hercules complex in Banjarbaru City based on the network system in the residential environment. The analytical method is divided into two. The first is hydrological analysis and hydraulic analysis.

From the results of hydrological and hydraulic analysis and also a comparison of calculations with the existing drainage network system that has been developed, it can be seen from the runoff discharge in the existing channel (Qex) then compared with the calculation of the design flood discharge (Qr) that the cross-sectional dimensions of Box Culvert (60 x 80 x 100), U-Ditch 1 (60 x 75 x 100), U-Ditch 2 (60 x 90 x 100) and U-Ditch cover 5 cm thick is sufficient to accommodate flood discharge two years, five years, ten years, 15 year and 20-year anniversary plans.


Keywords: Drainage Network System, Design Flood Discharge, Rainfall Intensity, Runoff Discharge

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.20527/crc.v7i8.12950


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