Rizka Ananda Putri, Novitasari Novitasari


In mid-2019, smog almost covered all areas in South Kalimantan. Banjar regency is one of the regencies in South Kalimantan Province with the most fires in 2019. One of the most burned subdistricts of Banjar Regency is Gambut Subdistrict. Analyzing the drought index for drought danger mitigation that triggers wildfire peatlands is necessary. This drought index research aims to investigate the magnitude of the drought index in the Gambut Subdistrict that causes land fires.

The analysis method is data collection, namely rainfall data for 20 years (2001-2020) and maximum daily temperature data, which is then processed using several stages of analysis by Keetch Byram Drought Index (KBDI) model modification for wetlands and modification KBDI for peatlands. This method is used to determine the level and duration of drought that occurs over a period of 20 years. This study also requires observation of data fire point and water table data for the calibration process of sensitivity of the model used.

The results of the analysis based on the calculations that have been done can be concluded that the magnitude of the drought index that occurs in the Peat Censure of South Kalimantan for peatlands has an extreme drought index that occurs from July to November 2014 2015, and 2019 with the number of fires as much as 210, 357, and 233 based on water table observations as long as the results are obtained that by maintaining the water table no more than 40 cm will prevent the occurrence of drought that causes flammable land.


Keywords: drought index KBDI modification, water table, hotspot, Gambut Subdistrict

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