The development of knowledge and technology in the field of construction encourages innovation in improving construction with higher quality. Early strength concrete is one of the innovations in concrete with an increase in the value of the compressive strength of concrete at an early age. Early strength concrete innovation is included in the sustainable concept because this innovation can be used for the next generation. In general, those located in areas have quite a lot of material sources, but they are still not utilized or used optimally by the community for concrete building materials. One source of coarse aggregate material that can be used for building materials is andesite stone. South Kalimantan is a tidal area of seawater. Tidal conditions can cause concrete as a construction material to experience repeated wet-dry cycles. Therefore, early strength concrete was developed using a coarse aggregate of Ladung andesite stone from Kotabaru and coarse aggregate of split Katunun stone from Pelaihari using full curing method, PDAM water immersion, and wet-dry cycle.
In this study, experimental tests will be carried out on cylindrical specimens with a diameter of 15 cm and a height of 30 cm. The percentage of Ladung stone coarse aggregate and Katunun coarse aggregate are 0%:100%, 50%50%, 75%:25%, and 100%;0%. Concrete mix planning refers to SNI- 2834-2000. This study also reviews the method of curing concrete with full PDAM water immersion and a wet-dry cycle per 3 days.
The results showed that the increasing percentage of Ladung stone coarse aggregate used could increase the value of the mechanical properties of concrete such as the value of compressive strength and split tensile strength. Meanwhile, based on the concrete treatment method, it was shown that the specimen with the full curing method of concrete soaking PDAM water resulted in a higher mechanical property value of concrete than the wet-dry curing method.
Keywords: Early strength concrete, Andesite stone, Concrete treatment (curing
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