Fitria Desy Yolanda, Candra Yuliana


The project construction is said to be successful if it has a low work accident rate, completed on time with good quality as planned. Therefore, the cost analysis of construction safety and evaluation of work methods needs to be done. The case study used is Road Construction Project At Simpang 4 Gatot Subroto South Lingkar Dalam. This research was conducted based on literature studies and data provided directly by the related agencies. Data obtained is the cost budget plan of K2, analyzed with direct calculations and making comparisons based on SE Menteri PUPR No 11 Tahun 2019. Time Schedule S-Curve analyzed based on realization calculation of work progress. Evaluation of work methods is collected through interviews with project workers. Based on the results of research, the cost of K2 used for project implementation is Rp. 11,000,000.00. K2 cost percentage based on SE Nomor 11/SE/M/2019 the value is greater than field price percentage with a difference of 0.09%, this is because there are several K2 items based on regulations that are not included in the field cost budget in order to adjust to the needs of the work in the implementation of development projects. The results analysis  of Time Schedule Kurva-S, there are several components of the work is delayed because of weather factors and causing the negative deviation value that on the sixth week until the ninth week with a value of -1.05%, -1.05%, -1.05%, and also -0.99%. The delay that happened can be anticipated with a good management and maximum productivity.


Keywords: road, construction safety, s-curve analysis, job evaluation


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