Ryend Pratama Syah, Iphan Fitrian Radam


A T junction on SMP 3 Street - Sekumpul Ujung Street is one of the unsignalized intersections in the city of Martapura. The traffic volume at the intersection is high enough that traffic jams, collisions, and crashes are unavoidable. As these problems keep occurring, an analysis is needed to find the best alternatives to improve the level of service (LOS) to its optimal point. This study was held to find out the performance of SMP 3 Street - Sekumpul Ujung Street intersection in its existing conditions, also to find alternative ways to increase the intersection service level. This research was done based on the IHCM 1997 method of calculation with the help of KAJI software. Secondary data included the data of Banjar Regency's population growth of 2013 – 2017, taken from Statistics Indonesia of Banjar Regency. Then, primary data was taken from a traffic survey held for 15 hours, from 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. WITA (Central Indonesian Time). According to the analysis, the intersection existing condition had a queuing process (QP) of 27%. Then, the analysis of intersection forecasting condition of 7 years showed that it no longer fulfilled the requirements with the QP of 39%. There was also an alternative of service level improvement with an alternative of 7-year forecasting geometric dilation handling, resulting QP of 35%. Next, intersection 10-year forecasting also did not meet the requirements with QP of 38.5%. Last, with signalized intersection of 3-phase, the degree of saturation (DS) had improved up to 0.683, delay point of 23.37 sec/pcu with a cycle time of 47 seconds, and to conclude, the level of service (LOS) was "C".


Keywords: Signalized Intersection, Unsignalized Intersection, Service Level

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