Infrastructure is the driving force of development and economic growth in a developing country such as Indonesia. This increased infrastructure need is in line with the increasing need for reinforced concrete. Ferrocement technology is a composite material consisting of mortar and wire mesh as reinforcement. The use of cement can provide greenhouse gas emissions that can increase global warming. Geopolymers are environmentally friendly innovations (eco-green construction) using fly ash as a binder to minimize the use of cement. To reduce environmental pollution and infrastructure needs, innovations such as ferro-geopolymers are needed, where the matrix is forms a geopolymer mortar and wire mesh as reinforcement.
This study aims to find out the strength of the flexural of ferrocement slab and ferro- geopolymer slab 750×150×35 mm and compressive strength of cement mortar and geopolymer mortar 50×50×50 mm. The various ferrocement slab and ferro-geopolymer slab consists of the number of wire mesh layers that are without wire mesh, one layer wire mesh, and two layers of wire mesh with curing, i.e., wet PDAM water, wet-dry PDAM water, and swamp water. Cement mortar is based on SNI 03-6825-2002, while geopolymer mortar mix planning is based on weight comparison with additional superplasticizer plastiment-VZ 2% of fly ash weight.
The results showed that the increasing number of wire mesh layers used could increase the bending strength with ranges of 5.98-12.67% and 81.33-128.18% in ferrocement and increases with ranges of 2.92-16.86% and 135.23-166.76% in ferro- geopolymers in a row against the addition of one layer wire mesh and two layers wire mesh. Based on curing, it showed that samples with wet PDAM water curing produce flexural and compressive strength higher than wet-dry water PDAM curing and swamp water curing.
Keywords: Fly Ash, Ferrocement, Ferro-Geopolymer, Wire Mesh
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