Analysis of Factors of Labor Motivation in Banjarbaru City

Muhammad Nurhalis Majid


Work Motivation has an important role in the process of implementing a project. Motivation can affect Human Resources and job satisfaction which ultimately affects the quality of a project. But in reality, work motivation is simple and can also be complex. Because you can still find project results that have not been maximized even though you have received high work motivation. This study analyzes what motivational factors have an effect both directly and indirectly on the performance of a handyman in Banjarbaru City and its surroundings.

This study aims to analyze the most dominant motivational factors affecting the performance of artisans in construction projects in Banjarbaru City. As well as interpreting the relationship between the performance of the handyman with the size of the motivation factor obtained.

This study analyzed the factors that influence work motivation. Of the variables of psychological needs, a sense of security, social, reflecting self-esteem, and self-actualization had a percentage of 73.33% motivated, 73.33% motivated, 61.67% motivated, 33.33% unmotivated, and 61.67% motivated. This variable is dominated by sub-variables, such as Salary/wages with appropriate work (26.46%), provision of work Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) (37.48%), good field supervisors (22.97%), challenging work (38.76%), and work according to ability (20.37%).


Keywords: Human Resources, Motivation, Maslow's Needs Theory, Worker.

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