The increasing population growth means that the need for education is also increasing. This is what encourages the provision of public infrastructure to support community education, one of which is a school building. The Mitra Kasih Banjarmasin Middle School building is a junior high school built at Citraland Jalan A. Yani KM 7.8 Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan. To support the building, of course, requires the design of the foundation. Selection of the type of foundation is based on the load to be received by the foundation, soil conditions, load conditions, dynamic properties of the superstructure, and others. Banjarmasin itself is an area with soft soil conditions. One solution that is often used in building structures on soft soils is pile foundation. This research was conducted to obtain the results of the load that will be received by the substructure based on calculations with ETABS software, determine the external load, bearing capacity, and the total number of foundation piles and obtain a DED (Detailed Engineering Design) and RAB (Budget Budget Plan). From the results obtained based on the analysis, a spun pile with a diameter of 500 mm and a length of 35 m was used with an axial pile resistance of 880 kN and a lateral resistance of 59.46 kN. Three types of pile caps were obtained with configurations of 5 piles, 6 piles and 7 piles with a total of 144 piles. Factored axial force 2827.95 kN; 3355.16 kN; and 4355.83 kN. Reinforcement diameter of 19 mm is used for flexural reinforcement, and a diameter of 13 mm for shrinkage reinforcement in the pile cap. The recapitulation of the budget plan for the pile work is Rp.5,758,130,889.-.
Keywords: Pile, Pile Cap, Bearing Capacity, Budget Plan
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