As a country that continues to develop, the construction of high-rise buildings is inevitable, given the many capacities and functions of these buildings. However, considering that Indonesia is located between 4 main active plates of the world, so it is an area that is prone to earthquakes. As a result of this earthquake, it is necessary to design a structure that is stronger and more rigid in order to be able to withstand earthquake vibrations for a long time as much as possible.
This research consists of designing the superstructure of a building in the seismic zone D by comparing the value of the drift ratio, displacement, and the amount of reinforcement towards variation structure model that occurs due to the response spectrum of earthquake load. The analytical method used is the response spectrum analysis method modelled on 3 building structure models.
Based on the result of the design analysis carried out on all models, the dimension for beam with all models are 35 x 45 cm and 25 x 35, the column dimensions are 50 x 50 cm, the floor slab thickness is 125 mm and the shear wall thickness is 30 cm. The results for the model that has shear walls, decreased in the amount of reinforcement up to 14% in the column and 10% in the beam and decreased to 3% in the column and 6% in the beam for the bending moment. For the maximum drift ratio value, which is 10.26% in the x-direction of the shear wall structure model 2 and 6.81% in the y-direction shear wall structure model 3 and the smallest displacement value due to the load response spectrum on the placement of the shear wall is model 3, then the recommended model for structural planning in the seismic zone D is model 3.
Keywords : momen frame system, dual system, seismic zone D, reinforcement, drift ratio, displacementFull Text:
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