Evaluation of Infiltrated Water Volume in the Liang Anggang Protected Forest Block 1

M Aulia Ramadhani, Novitasari Novitasari


The Liang Anggang Protection Forest is an area formed from peat soil. Peat soils have a role to play in conserving water resources, reducing flooding, preventing seawater seepage, and so on. Damage to the water system in peat soils is often caused by individual activities that are not well controlled. This is thought to have resulted in the depletion of water in peat soils, causing the soil to become dry and flammable in the dry season. The purpose of this research is to examine the rate of water infiltration in Liang Anggang Protected Forest Block 1. In this study, the method used in analyzing the infiltration rate was the Horton method by measuring the infiltration rate using a double-ring infiltrometer (turf-tec infiltrometer). According to the study's findings, the average decrease in infiltration rate of test 1 on bare or low-density land is 12.4 cm/hour, medium-density land is 2.7 cm/hour, very dense, closed, or forested land is 3.6 cm/hour, and test 2 on barren land is 2.4 cm/hour, medium density land is 2.7 cm/hour, and very dense, closed, or forested land is 4.7 cm/hour.


Keywords:      Double ring infiltrometer, Infiltration Rate, Horton Method, Liang Anggang Protection Forest

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.20527/crc.v8i4.13405


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