Fakhri Alfarizi


PT. Lifere Agro Kapuas (LAK) is a Malaysian foreign company engaged in oil palm plantations. Located in Suka Maju Village, Mantangai District, Kapuas Regency, Central Borneo Province. At that location, there is a river that divides the two production lines of PT LAK. On the river, a temporary bridge made of wood was built, and the condition was quite precarious, but traffic was forced to pass with a tonnage load exceeding the bridge's capacity, and the small dimensions of the bridge caused traffic flow for production facilities to be hampered because they had to pass through the bridge alternately, as a result of technological developments resulted in a concept that is different from the concept of ordinary reinforced concrete. The combination of high compressive strength concrete with steel with high tensile strength result in the concept of Prestressed Concrete, which can handle heavy loads. Loading planning refers to SNI 1725-2016 standard. Floor slab planning uses the Bittner method and is considered a one-way slab so that the largest forces are used between the two methods. In the design of girder beams using reinforced concrete material with an fc' quality of 40 MPa. Tendon type Uncoated seven super wire strands ASTM A-416 grade 270 totaling four tendons each girder. The axial resistance of piles is taken based on the smallest value of the strength of the material, soil drilling data, CPT, or N-SPT. At the same time, the lateral resistance of the Pile is taken from the smallest value of the maximum moment. Based on the results of the analysis, a PCI-Girder H 170 section was chosen with a loss of prestress is 29,8%. The tensile strength of the tendons is 1860 MPa. Floor slab fc' quality 35 MPa with thick 30 cm D29-200 main reinforcement and D16-200 dividing reinforcement. Backrest fc' 25 MPa. The lower structure uses fc' 25 MPa quality concrete. With fabricated pile foundations from PT. Wika Beton type PC Spun Pile B class with 50 cm diameter with 18 piles each abutment..


Keywords: Bridge, prestressed

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