Long Kali is a sub-district of Paser Tana Paser Regency Prov. East Kalimantan. In this sub-district have two village separate by a river, that is Perkuwen river, there is bridge has a broke. Whereas the village very needed a bridge because it is used as a transportation infrastructure for peoples and also passed by vehicles transporting oil palm yields . Therefore, the design of composite bridges made with spans 25 m and 7 m wide bridge.
In this plan the analysis of Standard methods of loading refers to the bridge imposition For RSNI T-02-2005 about composite bridge structure design method, refers to RSNI T-03-2005 about Steel Structural Design For Bridge, SNI 03-1729-2002 about Steel Structures Planning Procedures and SNI 03-2847-2002 about Concrete Structures Calculation for Building.
The result is used the main girder profile SH 950 x 400 x 16 x 32 and diaphragm WF 400 x 200 x 8 x 13. Vehicle floor plate thickness 20 cm using quality concrete 30 MPa and quality reinforcing steel reinforcement 360 MPa with subject dividers reinforcement D22- 100 and D12-100 mm. In using concrete pavement 30 MPa D22-100 mm staple reinforcement and shear reinforcement rebars quality D12-100 mm 360 MPa. Concrete abutment in the form 25 MPa at 2 m height and length of 8,5 m. Steel pipe pile foundations quality 25 MPa are 16 pieces with a length of 10 meters and a diameter of 0.4 m.
Keyword: Bridge, composite, steel pipe pile.
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