The North Barito Government wants to build a green space on the edge of the Barito river, Muara Teweh City. So to realize this desire, the surface of the riverside which was originally sloping needs to be made into an upright slope as high as 18 meters. However, due to high embankment conditions and steep slopes, there is a potential for landslide and settlements. Solutions are needed to minimize this potential, one of which is by building a retaining wall reinforcement construction on the slopes.
Reinforcement construction on the upright slopes used is geotextile wall. This design begins with collecting subgrade data in the field and laboratory, which is then visualized in the form of stratigraphy. After that, determine the type of embankment soil, loading and the type of geotextile that will be used in the design. Then proceed with internal stability calculations to find out the distance and length of the embedded geotextile and external stability calculations to determine safety against overturning, shearing, and bearing capacity. The last step is to calculate the overall stability using GeoStudio 2012 software to obtain the safety factor of the design.
Based on the results of the analysis, it is shown that the woven geotextile with the Stabilenka GTW 150/45 type produced by HUESKER is suitable for reinforcement of high upright slopes. Based on the calculation of the internal stability of the geotextile,it takes 23 layers consisting of 4 layers with Sv = 1.5 m and L = 32 m, 5 layers with Sv = 1 m and L = 30 m, 6 layers with Sv = 0.5 m L = 28 m, and 8 layers with Sv = 0.5 m and L
= 25 m. The results of the calculation of external stability for overturning stability obtained SF 23.98 > 2, for shear stability obtained SF 1.633 > 1.5, and the bearing capacity of the soil obtained SF 4.38 > 3.
Keywords : Geotextile wall, slope stability.
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