Radiansyah - Radiansyah, Kartono Kartono, Noor Asiah



The problem in this study is the low development of children's cognitive aspects in sorting objects by size. This happens because children often feel bored, lack of focus, lack of interest and enthusiasm for learning activities. This study aims to determine teacher activities, children's activities, the results of children's cognitive development in sorting objects by size using a combination of Picture And Picture models, Pair Checks with Smile Circuit games. This study uses a qualitative approach and the type of Classroom Action Research with 4 meetings. The results showed that the teacher's activities at the 1st meeting obtained good criteria and improved at the 4th meeting with very good criteria. The child's activity only reached the moderately active category at the 1st meeting, progressed to the very active category at the 4th meeting and the results of the child's cognitive development obtained the Beginning to Develop (MB) category at the 1st meeting and experienced development at the 4th meeting with the Very Good Developing category (BSB). ). Based on the data obtained, it can be concluded that the Picture And Picture model, the Pair Checks model with the Smile Circuit game can develop children's cognitive abilities in sorting objects by size.


cognitive, sorting objects by size, picture and picture model, pair checks model, smile circuit.

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