Abstract: Dengue fever is caused by dengue virus infection, via Aedes aegypti. Larval control with temefos is effective in killing larvae but causes side effects and resistance due to repeated use. Red betel (Piper ornatum) has secondary metabolite compounds such as alkaloids, phenolics, flavonoids, polyphenols, saponins, and tannins that can interfere with the growth of mosquito larvae. The purpose of this study was to analyze the activity of ethanol extract of Piper ornatum leaves as a natural larvicide. Using pure experimental method with Posttest Only with Control Group Design, consisting of 8 treatment groups: 6 extract concentrations (0.0625%, 0.125%, 0.25%, 0.5%, 1%, 2%), pure water (negative control), temefos 1% (positive control). The treatments were exposed to third instar larvae for 24 and 48 hours with four repetitions. Probit analysis of 48-hour exposure obtained LC50 and LC90 values of 0.521% (0.484-0.603%) and 0.680 (0.594-1.839%). This study shows that 1% and 2% concentrations have 100% mortality rate of larvae in 48 hours.
Keywords: Aedes aegypti, dengue fever, larvicide, Piper ornatum, red betel
Abstrak: Demam berdarah disebabkan oleh infeksi virus dengue, lewat Aedes aegypti. Pengendalian larva dengan temefos tergolong efektif membunuh larva, tetapi menimbulkan efek samping dan resistensi akibat penggunaan berulang. Sirih merah (Piper ornatum) memiliki senyawa metabolit sekunder seperti alkaloid, fenolik, flavonoid, polifenol, saponin, dan tanin yang dapat mengganggu pertumbuhan larva nyamuk. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis aktivitas ekstrak etanol daun Piper ornatum sebagai larvasida alami. Menggunakan metode eksperimen murni dengan rancangan Posttest Only with Control Group Design, terdiri dari 8 kelompok perlakuan: 6 konsentrasi ekstrak (0.0625%, 0.125%, 0.25%, 0.5%, 1%, 2%), air murni (kontrol negatif), temefos 1% (kontrol positif). Perlakuan dipaparkan pada larva instar III selama 24 dan 48 jam dengan empat kali pengulangan. Analisis probit pemaparan 48 jam diperoleh nilai LC50 dan LC90 sebesar 0.521% (0.484-0.603%) dan 0.680 (0.594-1.839%). Penelitian ini menunjukkan konsentrasi 1% dan 2% memiliki tingkat mortalitas 100% larva dalam 48 Jam.
Kata-kata kunci: Aedes aegypti, demam berdarah, larvasida, Piper ornatum, sirih merah
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PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.20527/ht.v7i3.14606
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