PKM Budidaya Cacing Sutra (Tubifek Sp.) di Lahan Pekarangan Kelurahan Guntung Manggis Kecamatan Landasan Ulin Kota Banjarbaru
Silkworm (Tubifex sp). is a good natural food for ornamental fish. Silkworms contain about 57% protein and 13% fat. Silkworms are natural food for fish seeds that are highly nutritious. The problem is not knowing how to cultivate silkworms and the available land has not been utilized. The solutions offered are the use of yards for silkworm cultivation, methods of counseling activities and demonstration of silkworm cultivation, evaluation of knowledge and skills before and after the activity is carried out. The results of the evaluation were analyzed by means of a two-party t-test according to Sudjana (1992). The results of the analysis show that the average value of the knowledge and skill of the target audience for all questions asked before the activity and after the activity is carried out is significantly different. The average value of the knowledge level of the target audience for all questions asked before the activity was 7.3 and increased to 34.7 after the activity was carried out. Average value of the skill, the target audience for all questions asked before the activity was 7.1 and increased to 35.1 after the activity was carried out. The pilot activity has installed as many as two silkworm racks, so that partners can optimize their yards into productive land.
Key word : silkworm; counselling; knowledge; skill
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