Inovasi Sosial untuk Pemberdayaan Perpustakaan Taman Pamekar dalam Program Comdev Star Energy Geothermal Salak, Ltd

Aditya Kusuma Wardhana, Vina Nur Azizah, Dali Sadli Mulia


Various surveys indicate that the literacy rate among the Indonesian population is quite low. According to this issued, the presence of Taman Pamekar Village Library amidst various challenges, there is significant potential for development.  Through the Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Responsibility program, Star Energy Geothermal Salak, Ltd, located in Kabandungan Village, Sukabumi Regency, empowers Taman Pamekar Library. This program is aimed at enhancing the community's capabilities in literacy, education, social aspects, and even the economy. This empowerment program utilizes the Participatory Rural Appraisal method, which treats the community not only as the object but also as the subject of change. The activities conducted during the mentoring process focus on infrastructure development, improvement of facilities and infrastructure, enhancement of human resources quality, and the provision of various innovations in library services. These innovations are divided into social innovation and digital technology innovation. The results of this program are analyzed descriptively and qualitatively based on three aspects of library empowerment previously conducted: connectivity, content, and human resources.

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