Pelatihan Penggunaan Dental Floss sebagai Proteksi Dini terhadap Karies pada Panti Asuhan Sentosa Banjarmasin

dewi Puspitasari, Rahmad Arifin, Muhammad Alfi G, Noor Khalishah, Gita Puspa Ningrum


 At the Sentosa orphanage, the role of parents is expected to be replaced by the escorts of Madani Sentosa Welfare Foundation including in the maintenance of dental and oral health. One way to clean the plaque on the sides of the teeth is by using dental floss. Therefore, training for participants and escort to use dental floss needs to reduce the potential for caries in orphanage children. Pre-test is carried out related to the basic knowledge of how to clean teeth and use dental floss. Counseling and training are conducted how to brush teeth properly and the of use dental floss. Subsequently a post-test is done on how to clean teeth properly in the family environment and using dental floss. Data processing and analysis of this counseling and training activities related to cleaning teeth and using dental floss for children at Sentosa orphanage are expected to understand how to clean their teeth and use the dental floss hopefully it can become a new habit and be carried out continuously in the long-term. Results of the statistical test using Wilcoxon test obtained a p-value of 0.000 which means P<0,05, meaning that they have a difference between of knowledge before pre-test and post-test. The counseling and training is effective for increasing knowledge about how to clean teeth and use dental floss. 


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