1) The manuscripts must be submitted to Jurnal Inovasi, Kreatifitas Anak Usia Dini (JIKAD) editorial office by Online Submission.
2) Click Register if you have not had any account yet, or click Log in if you have already had an account. If authors have any problems with the online submission, please contact the Editorial Office at the following email: [email protected]
3) The manuscript is typed in MS Word .doc format, using 11 size Times New Roman fonts, 1 (one) spaced, margins (top 3, left 4, right 3, bottom 3) on quarto paper (A4), maximum 20 pages in length. Use Jurnal Inovasi, Kreatifitas Anak Usia Dini (JIKAD) template for preparing your manuscript.
4) The manuscript is writing in Indonesia.
5) The systematic format of the manuscript consists of a title, author's name, abstract, introduction (background and objectives or scope of the article), method, results and discussion, conclusions, and reference.
6) Title. The title must be clear and informative, maximum 15 words, article title written short and concise according to the substance of the content, TNR 12, Capital Letters, Space 1
7) Author's names and institutions. The author's name is listed without an academic degree and placed under the title of the journal. The author's name, affiliation, and email ware written in font size 11 points, Times New Roman, spaced 1, center.
8) Abstract. Abstracts are written in Indonesian and English (maximum 250 words). The abstract should reflect the overall substance of the content of the article. Abstract is a general description of the research or content of the article. Abstract in the form of paragraphs containing: a statement about the background of the problem, the purpose of the study, research methods, results and conclusions. Abstracts are written in 2 languages (English and Indonesian), each abstract in 1 paragraph, 1 space spacing, and with a maximum number of 250 words.
9) Keywords: contains important terms and article substance, written below abstract in alphabetical order and separated by semicolons. Written in font 11, Times New Roman, space 1.
10) Introduction. The introduction, among others, contains the background of the problem, the deepening of the problem, or the gap between the idealized and the real, supported by the latest theories and research relevant to the problem, has a new research value (or benefit) which is innovation, and ends with research objectives. This section is written as much as approximately 15% of the body of the article including the title and abstract. Written in font 11, Times New Roman, space
11) Method. This section describes how the research was conducted. The subject matter of this section is: (1) research design; (2) population and sample (research target); (3) data collection techniques and instrument development; (4) and data analysis techniques. For research that uses tools and materials, it is necessary to write down the specifications of the tools and materials. Tool specifications describe the sophistication of the tools used while material specifications describe the types of materials used. For qualitative research such as classroom action research and others, it is necessary to add the presence of researchers, research subjects, informants who help along with ways to explore research data, the location and duration of research and a description of checking the validity of research results. This section is written as much as a maximum of 15% of the body of the article. It is written in font 11, Times New Roman, space 1.
12) Results and Discussion. This section should be the most section, at least 60% of the entire body of the article. Results can be presented in the form of tables of numbers, graphs, verbal descriptions or a combination of the three. Tables, graphs or figures should not be too long, too large, or too many. The presented tables and graphs should be referenced in the text. The discussion is intended to interpret and interpret the results of research in accordance with the theory used and not just explain the findings. The discussion must refer to the results of previous research that has been published in reputable scientific journals and international journals that do not come from fake journals, written in font 11, Times New Roman, space 1.
13) Conclusion. Conclusions present a summary of the description of the results and discussion, referring to the community service objectives. The conclusion must be the same as the one discussed in the body of the text. Presented clearly. Written in font 11, Times New Roman, space 1
14) Reference. The reference list is arranged in away from the following examples and sorted alphabetically and chronologically. The references is sorted alphabetically. Reference library sources should use the last 10 years of publications. The bibliography must have at least 15 references. It is suggested to use Mendeley.