Financial Distress pada perusahaan Manufaktur sektor makanan dan minuman

Ira Ariani, Fifi Swandari


This study aims to analyze financial ratio that can differentiate a company that Distress and Non Distress, and what strategies can overcome financial difficulties in foodand beverage sector companies registed in Indonesia_Stock _Exchange (IDX) period 2013-2016. Sampling technique using purposive sampling method, obtained sampleof 12 companies. Data processed using discriminant analysis. The results showed that the financial ratio that can differentiate a company experiencing financial difficulties (Distress) and not experiencing financial difficulties (Non Distress) of Quick Ratio, Dividend Yield, Fixed Asset Turnover Ratio, Price Earning Ratio, dan Inventory Turnover Ratio. The result analysis it is known that the strategy to overcome the company's_financial difficulties is by observing the effectiveness of inventory management, paying attention to the growth of the company, paying attention to the effectiveness of the use of fixed assets, predicting the company's ability to generate earnings in the future.

Keywords : Financial Distress, Financial Ratio, Discriminant Analysis

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