Pengaruh Lingkungan Keluarga, Efikasi Diri, Pendidikan Kewirausahaan terhadap Minat Berwirausaha

Muhammad Khoirul Yaqin, Muhammad Ziyad


Interest in entrepreneurship is one way to reduce unemployment and increase the number of entrepreneurs. Several previous research results state that entrepreneurship interest infuenced by several factors as psychic (Self-efficacy) and environment (family and Education). This test is doing to know influences about family environment, self efficacy, entrepreneurship education towards entrepreneurship interes in studens FEB ULM Management Department. This research includes associative causal research. Respondents in this study are 90 students of Management Department FEB ULM Banjarmasin which has been filtered using purposive sampling and data obtained through questionnaires. Data were processed by using validity and reliability test, classical assumptions , multiple linear regression analysis, model accuracy, and t test. The results show that: Family Environment have significant effect to Entrepreneurship interest ; Self Efficacy have significant effect to entrepreneurship interest; Entrepreneurship Education have no significant effect to Interest in Entrepreneurship at student of management department FEB ULM Banjarmasin.

Keywords: Family Environment, Self-Efficacy, Entrepreneurship Education, Interest in Entrepreneurship

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