Pandamaran Hill is located in the KHDTK area of ULM Mandiangin Sultan Adam, Kiram Village, Karang Intan District, Banjar Regency, South Kalimantan with a hill height of 275 meters above sea level with a research area of ± 7.9742 ha. The Pandamaran Hill area has never been studied for forest health before. The Pandamaran Hill area has a diversity of plant species, microclimate, and pests which are very suitable for the research area. The purpose of the study was to identify the health condition of the pole level vegetation. The method used is purposive sampling by determining the types of unhealthy plants which include altitude, diameter or stem circumference and identifying the health of the vegetation at the pole level. Plant health uses the identification method according to Alexander (1996). The results showed that the pile-level vegetation health was from healthy to moderately damaged. Based on the location of vegetation damage, the highest pole level was in the canopy. The most common type of damage to vegetation is the open wound pile level. The highest severity of pole level vegetation with a percentage of 8.70 - 12.18% of the damage was rather severe
Bukit Pandamaran yang terletak di kawasan KHDTK ULM Mandiangin Sultan Adam, Desa Kiram, Kecamatan Karang Intan, Kabupaten Banjar, Kalimatan Selatan dengan ketinggian bukit 275 mdpl dengan luas area penelitian ±7,9742 ha. area Bukit Pandamaran belum pernah dilakukan penelitian kesehatan hutan sebelumnya. Kawasan Bukit Pandamaran memiliki keanekaragaman jenis tumbuhan, iklim mirko, hama penyakit yang sangat cocok untuk area penelitian. Tujuan dari penelitian ialah mengidentifikasi kondisi kesehatan vegetasi tingkat tiang. Metode yang digunakan Purposive Sampling dengan menentukan jenis tumbuhan tidak sehat yang meliputi ketinggian tempat, diameter atau lingkar batang dan mengindentifikasi kesehatan vegetasi tingkat tiang. Kesehatan tanaman menggunakan metode indentifikasi menurut Alexander (1996). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan Kesehatan vegetasi tingkat tiang dari sehat hingga kerusakan agak berat. Berdasarkan lokasi kerusakan vegetasi tingkat tiang yang tertinggi pada bagian tajuk. Tipe kerusakan terbanyak vegetasi tingkat tiang luka yang terbuka. Keparahan tertinggi vegetasi tingkat tiang dengan persentase 8,70 - 12,18% kerusakan agak berat
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