Sumiati Sumiati, Noor Mirad Sari, Lusyiani Lusyiani


Many natural resource potentials in Kalimantan can be used for energy sources such as natural gas, oil, and coal. Utilization of the resulting waste as an alternative fuel, for example, briquettes, can help fuel availability and provide input for the community. The study aimed to analyze the characteristics of the composition of charcoal briquettes from coal waste and ironwood charcoal powder (Eusideroxylon zwageri), namely density, moisture content, volatile matter content, ash content, bound carbon, calorific value, and to test ignition properties (ignition time). The study used a completely randomized design (CRD) method with 6 treatments and 3 replications for the composition of the mixture of coal waste and ironwood charcoal powder. The results showed that the highest density in the P1 treatment was 0.8747 gr/cm3 and the lowest in P5 was 0.7662 gr/cm3, the highest water content was in the P1 treatment with a value of 21.4625% and the lowest in P6 was 5.8743%, the highest volatile matter was treatment P1 was worth 44.6467% and the lowest P4 was worth 38.6933%, the highest ash content was treatment P6 worth 12.5133% and the lowest P1 was worth 5.6400%, the highest bound carbon was treatment P5 worth 39.8998% and the lowest was P1 is worth 28.2508%, the highest calorific value is treatment P1 is worth 6371.76 cal/gr and the lowest is P2 is worth 5306.25 cal/g and the highest combustion rate is treatment P1 is worth 0.9074 g/minute and the lowest is P6 is worth 0.2445 g/minute where the treatment on density does not include ASTM, P6 treatment on water content enters ASTM, treatment on flying substances does not enter ASTM, P1 and P2 treatments on ash content enter ASTM, treatment on bound carbon does not include ASTM, and treatment P1 calorific value enters ASTM

Potensi sumber daya alam di Kalimantan sangat banyak yang bisa digunakan untuk sumber energi seperti gas bumi, minyak bumi, dan batubara. Pemanfaatan limbah yang dihasilkan sebagai bahan bakar alternatif contohnya briket bisa membantu ketersediaan bahan bakar serta memberikan masukan untuk masyarakat. Tujuan penelitian yaitu menganalisis karakteritis komposisi briket arang dari limbah batu bara dan serbuk arang kayu ulin (Eusideroxylon zwageri) yaitu kerapatan, kadar air, kadar zat terbang, kadar abu, karbon terikat, nilai kalor, serta menguji sifat penyalaan (lama penyalaan). Penelitian menggunakan metode Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 6 perlakuan dan 3 ulangan terhadap komposisis campuran limbah batubara dan serbuk arang kayu ulin. Hasil penelitian yaitu kerapatan tertinggi pada perlakuan P1 bernilai 0,8747 gr/cm3 dan terendah P5 bernilai 0,7662 gr/cm3, kadar air tertinggi yaitu perlakuan P1 bernilai 21,4625% dan terendah P6 bernilai 5,8743 %, zat terbang tertinggi yaitu perlakuan P1 bernilai 44,6467% dan terendah P4 bernilai 38,6933%, kadar abu tertinggi yaitu perlakuan P6 bernilai 12,5133% dan terendah P1 bernilai 5,6400%, karbon terikat tertinggi yaitu perlakuan P5 bernilai 39,8998% dan terendah P1 bernilai 28,2508%, nilai kalor tertinggi yaitu perlakuan P1 bernilai 6371,76 kal/gr dan terendah P2 bernilai 5306,25 kal/ gr serta laju pembakaran tertinggi yaitu perlakuan P1 bernilai 0,9074 g/menit dan terendah P6 bernilai 0,2445 g/menit dimana perlakuan pada kerapatan tidak termasuk ASTM, perlakuan P6 kadar air masuk ASTM, perlakuan pada zat terbang tidak masuk ASTM, perlakuan P1 dan P2 pada kadar abu masuk ASTM, perlakuan pada karbon terikat tidak termasuk ASTM, dan perlakuan P1 nilai kalor masuk ASTM


Briket; Kayu ulin; Limbah batubara

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