Muhammad Fahmi Noor, Muhammad Faisal Mahdie, Yuniarti Yuniarti


Research on the characteristics of biopellets mixed with sengon (Paraserianthes falcataria) sawdust and Palm (Elaeis guineensis) frond powder was observed with the aim of analysing the quality of biopellets mixed with sengon wood and oil palm fronds based on the Indonesian National Standard (SNI 8021:2014). The study used the SNI 8021-2014 method with test parameters including Moisture content, bound carbon content, volatile matter, ash content, and heating value. The experimental design uses an exploratory data analysis (EDA) experimental design which is presented graphically with a box and whisker plot. Based on the results of this study, it showed that the mixture of sengon sawdust and palm frond powder showed that the results of the water content (%) treatment had reached the standard (SNI), namely 12% max and the lowest water content value was in treatment C, namely 5.1965%. The results obtained from the ash content (%) test showed that each treatment varied, some reached the standard and some did not meet the standard (SNI), namely 1.5% max, and the ash content that met the standard was treated A and B. Test results Determination of Calorific Value (cal/g) indicates that it does not meet the standard (SNI), namely 4000 cal/g min. The best composition comparison is in comparison with 75% sengon sawdust and 25% palm frond powder (in treatment D), because the results of the calorific value are close to the standard (SNI).

Penelitian karakteristik biopelet campuran serbuk kayu sengon (paraserianthes falcataria) dan serbuk pelepah kelapa sawit (elaeis guineensis) diamati dengan tujuan menganalisa kualitas biopelet campuran kayu sengon dan pelepah kelapa sawit berdasarkan Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI 8021:2014). Penelitian menggunakan metode SNI 8021-2014) dengan parameter uji meiliputi kadar air, kadar karbon terikat, zat terbang, kadar abu, dan nilai kalor. Rancangan percobaan menggunakan rancangan percobaan analisis data eksploratif (Exploratory Data Analysis – EDA) yang disuguhkan secara grafis dengan box and whisker plot. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini menunjukan campuran serbuk kayu sengon dengan serbuk pelepah kelapa sawit bahwa hasil pengujian Kadar Air (%) perlakuannya telah mencapai standar (SNI) yaitu maks 12% dan nilai kadar air paling rendah pada perlakuan C yaitu 5,1965%. Hasil yang diperoleh dari pengujian Kadar Abu (%) bahwa setiap perlakuan beragam, ada yang mencapai standar dan ada juga yang tidak memenuhi standar (SNI) yaitu maks 1,5%, dan kadar abu yang memenuhi stardar ada diperlakuan A dan B. Hasil uji  penentuan Nilai Kalor (kal/g) menujukan bahwa belum memenuhi standar (SNI) yaitu min 4000 kal/g. Perbandingan komposisi terbaik ada pada perbandingan dengan serbuk 75% serbuk kayu sengon dan 25% serbuk pelepah kelapa sawit (pada perlakuan D), karena hasil nilai kalor yang mendekati standar (SNI).


Biopelet; Karakteristik; Serbuk kayu sengon; Serbuk pelepah kelapa sawit

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.20527/jss.v6i6.11024


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