Muhammad Hasan, Adi Rahmadi, Henny Arryati


The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of PVAc adhesive composition on the physical and mechanical properties of the composite boards of palm oil stems and determine the best test example from a technical and economic point of view. This research will be carried out at the Banjarbaru Forestry Faculty Workshop. Research time ± 3. There are 3 levels (levels) of the PVAc adhesive composition tested, namely 40%, 45%, and 50%. The parameters of the composite board properties studied were physical properties, including: Moisture content and density, as well as the mechanical properties that fracture strength (MoR) and modulus of elasticity (MOE). The results showed that the physical and mechanical properties of composite boards were strongly influenced by the adhesive composition, the more the adhesive composition is used, the better the composite board properties, especially in terms of water content and MoR, where the results show that the water content is decreasing and the MoR is increasing. Nevertheless the use of a 40% adhesive composition has been able to produce a composite board that can meet SNI standards No. 03-2105 2006. Properties of palm oil stem waste composite boards made with PVAc adhesive (Crosslink X-PVAc) moisture content ranged from 9.49% - 13.07%, density 0.494 - 0.559 gr / cm³, and MoR 20.613 - 22.483 kg / cm².

Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui pengaruh komposisi perekat PVAc terhadap sifat fisis dan mekanis papan komposit dari batang kelapa sawit dan menentukan contoh uji yang terbaik dari segi teknis. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Workshop Fakultas Kehutanan Banjarbaru. Waktu penelitian ±3.  Ada 3 taraf (level) dari perlakuan komposisi perekat PVAc yang diuji cobakan, yaitu 40%, 45%, dan 50%. Adapun parameter sifat papan komposit yang diteliti adalah sifat fisis, meliputi: Kadar air dan kerapatan, serta sifat mekanisya itu keteguhan patah (MoR) dan keteguhan lentur (MOE). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sifat fisis dan mekanis papan komposit sangat dipengaruhi oleh komposisi perekat, semakin bertambah komposisi perekat yang digunakan maka sifat papan komposit semakin baik, terutama ditinjau dari kadar air dan  MoR, dimana hasil menunjukkan bahwa kadar air semakin berkurang dan MoR makin meningkat. Meskipun demikian penggunaan  komposisi  perekat 40% sudah dapat menghasilkan papan komposit yang dapat memenihi standar SNI no 03-2105 2006. Sifat papan komposit limbah batang kelapa sawit yang dibuat dengan perekat PVAc (Crosslink X-PVAc) kadar air berkisar 9,49% – 13,07%, Kerapatan 0,494 - 0.559 gr/cm³, dan MoR 20.613 – 22.483 kg/cm².


Composite board, polyvinyl acetate (PVAc), oil palm wood

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