Muhammad Fikri Maulidi Rahman, Muhammad Faisal Mahdie, Gusti Abdul Rahmat Thamrin


This research aims to analyze the effectiveness and efficiency percentage of production machinery in wood carpet industry at Sarikaya Sega Utama Company. Primary data collection obtained by observation about the stage of production flow from the production machine work and a short interview to the company employees on the production process whereas, secondary data is obtained by studying the study of libraries from several related references. The research Data uses the OEE method analysis (Overal Equipment Effectiveness) and is analyzed descriptively in the form of tables and graph calculations. The results of the study showed that the use of machines in Sarikaya Sega Utama Company has not fulfilled the effective standard value, the highest value only obtained at 45,83% in several stages such as panel splitter and molder machine. As for the side cutting machine get a value of 25,00% whereas, the lowest value is on the sandingmachine, spray color and spray varnish is 12,50%. While the value of efficiency also has not reached from the standard values. The efficient value of the panel cleat is 47,16% and molder machine 47,02%. As for Hot Press machine 25,00% and side cut machine 25,15% whereas, the smallest efficiency value of sanding machine, spray color and spray varnish is 12,50%

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis presentase efektivitas dan efisiensi mesin produksi pada industri wood carpet di PT Sarikaya Sega Utama. Pengumpulan data primer didapatkan dengan cara observasi mengenai tahapan alur produksi dari kerja mesin produksi dan wawancara singkat terhadap karyawan perusahaan mengenai proses produksi sedangkan, data sekunder diperoleh dengan mempelajari studi pustaka dari beberapa referensi terkait. Data penelitian menggunakan analisis metode OEE (Overal equipment effectiveness) dan dianalisis secara deskriptif berupa tabel dan grafik perhitungan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan penggunaan mesin di PT Sarikaya Sega Utama belum memenuhi nilai standar efektif, nilai tertinggi hanya didapat pada angka 45,83% pada beberapa tahap seperti mesin pembelah panel dan molder. Adapun untuk mesin potong sisi mendapatkan nilai 25,00% sedangkan, nilai terendah berada pada mesin sanding, spray warna dan spray pernis yaitu 12,50%. Sementara nilai efisiensi juga belum mencapai dari nilai standar. Nilai efisien dari mesin pembelah panel yaitu 47,16% dan mesin molder 47,02%. Adapun untuk mesin hot press 25,00% dan mesin potong sisi 25,15% sedangkan, nilai efisiensi terkecil dari mesin sanding, spray warna dan spray pernis yaitu 12,50%


Efektivitas; Efisiensi; Proses produksi; Mesin produksi; Wood carpet

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.20527/jss.v4i4.3946


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