Analisis Historis Pembentukan UUD NRI 1945

Ghisna Ainuttaqiyyah, Azzahra Nurul Fathia, Fatih Ilham Yonri, Bakti Fatwa Anbiya


This research aims to analyze the process of forming the 1945 NRI Constitution from several perspectives, including the political, economic and social historical background, the role of figures in the process, as well as the process of drafting and ratifying the 1945 NRI Constitution. At that time, before the proclamation of independence in 17 August 1945, Indonesia experienced political resistance from figures such as Sukarno and Mohammad Hatta, as well as social and economic dissatisfaction from the Dutch colonial system. In the 1945 Draft Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia (UUD NRI), nationalists played an important role in formulating the vision of the country through the Research Institute for Preparatory Efforts for Indonesian Independence (BPUPKI) and the Preparatory Committee for Indonesian Independence (PPKI). The BPUPKI and PPKI conferences became the main forum for the ratification and promulgation of the 1945 Constitution on 18 August 1945 and became the starting point for the newly independent country. This research method uses a historical approach which involves analysis of various relevant primary and secondary sources. It is hoped that the results of this research will provide a better understanding of how the process of forming the 1945 NRI Constitution took place, which focuses on the background to its formation, the roles of the figures involved in its formulation, as well as the drafting process until the 1945 NRI Constitution was ratified. In addition to understanding the process the formation of the 1945 NRI Constitution. This research also looks at the contribution of figures to the development of the political and legal system in Indonesia.


UUD 1945; Formation; Constitution; Historical

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